The Best Source Of Financial Performance Data In The Health Care Industry

Download Your FREE Sample Report Today.

Nursing Home FACTS is a financial reporting database and query engine comprised of data from over 17,000 nursing home cost reports provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

This allows CFO Network to review virtually any metric over time and compare changes in factors such as ownership shifts, budgets, or strategy.

“We can track events at the corporate level, such as a private equity buyout or a shift in strategy, and use Nursing Home FACTS to look at what changed at the individual nursing home level as a consequence.”

Allen Engstrom

Managing Partner of CFO Network in Little Rock, Arkansas

What Does Our Customized Report Offer?

Nursing Home FACTS puts the data in an easy-to-use search engine-type of the interface. It allows you to aggregate the data that’s essential for filing—and winning.

Do you know that the Nursing Home FACTS Database is compiled from data from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Service representing over 17,000 nursing homes in the United States?

Numerous plaintiff attorneys use our analytics to screen the many known nursing home abuse cases and help plaintiffs win with the help of data-driven facts. Every victory today can strengthen future cases.

  • Compare virtually any financial metric over a specific period.

  • Uncover ownership, budget, or strategy changes and their consequences.

  • Uncover changes at the corporate or individual nursing home level and their implications.

  • Set appropriate benchmarks and standards using data-driven facts.

  • Analyze resources by categories (e.g., primary care vs. overhead, inadequate training, security, caregiver skills, etc.).

  • ​Identify wasteful spending.

View Reports From Over 17,000 Facilities

Win More Nursing Home Lawsuits

Nursing Home FACTS is a powerful financial reporting tool that can turn nursing home lawsuits into triumphs. Of course, witness testimony might help win some cases. But our statistical evidence can nail virtually all of them!

Download a Sample Report today to see how you can use it to win more nursing home litigation using the data-driven information in Nursing Home FACTS.